Basic principles for effective weight gain for skinny people

A skinny body not only makes you less beautiful but also makes you look weak and lifeless. So how to gain weight for skinny people? Until now, this is still an endless topic, attracting the attention of many people. In this article, we will tell you the basic principles to help build the most effective weight gain plan for skinny people.

Basic principles for weight gain for skinny people

Owning a balanced body is always the desire of anyone, especially for people with a "skinny" body. To realize this wish, skinny people have applied all kinds of ways to gain weight. However, if you apply unscientific weight gain methods for skinny people, it will not help improve weight. It can even cause damage to the body. Therefore, when gaining weight for skinny people, you need to pay attention to:

Ensure nutrition

Nutrition is one of the factors that determine the effectiveness of weight gain for skinny people. To gain weight quickly, you need to have a reasonable diet, that provides enough necessary nutrients for the body. Fat is an ingredient that helps gain weight quickly and effectively. Therefore, the weight gain menu for skinny people should supplement enough fat and eat healthy fat. In addition, protein and fiber are also essential ingredients that you should not ignore.

A suitable exercise schedule for physical strength

A misconception is that you think that skinny people who exercise will become thinner. Regular exercise will help improve health, improve the digestive system, and stimulate appetite. However, to gain weight for skinny people, you should not exercise too hard, it is best to only choose exercises that are suitable for your physical strength.

Lifestyle habits of skinny people

Unhealthy lifestyle habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and staying up late... are the reasons why skinny people cannot gain weight. Therefore, to effectively gain weight for skinny people, the best way is to adjust your lifestyle scientifically such as limiting the use of stimulants, getting enough sleep,...

Why do skinny people keep going to the gym but still cannot gain weight?

Many people wonder that, despite applying all the methods of eating and exercising, they still cannot improve their weight. The main reason is that you are implementing weight gain methods for skinny people but not properly, what exactly is it?

Not calculating Calories in - Calories out

The amount of calories needed for a normal person is 2000 kcal/day. To gain weight skinny people, need to provide more calories to the body, ensuring that the amount of calories consumed is higher than the amount of calories burned.

Too much Cardio

Cardio exercises are very good for the body and cardiovascular health. However, doing too much cardio is not good for skinny people. Cardio exercises hinder the activity of rapamycin - a necessary factor for muscle gain. Therefore, to gain weight for skinny people, you should only maintain cardio exercises at a minimum level.

No rest days in the training schedule

Reasonable, regular training helps skinny people gain weight. However, if you train continuously, without rest days, it will make you tired and exhausted, and your body will not have time to recover. Therefore, training should also be balanced with rest time.

Too light training

On the contrary, exercises that are too light will not help you achieve your goal of gaining weight for skinny people. Therefore, the best way is to choose exercises that are within your strength. When your body has adapted, you can increase the intensity accordingly.


List of 6 basic principles for effective gym schedule

If Yoga is the source of breath, then the gym is the movement of muscles and the clear change of body shape. Building an effective gym schedule will help you improve your health and body shape. However, it is not really simple for "non-professionals." Therefore, in the article below, we would like to suggest some basic principles for an effective gym schedule for men.

6 basic principles for an effective gym schedule

First, to establish basic principles to speed up the training efficiency, you must have a firm grasp of your body indexes and physical characteristics. Thanks to that, you can arrange the schedule for the exercises reasonably. Gymers, please note the 6 principles below:

  • Do not schedule 2 large muscle groups in the same training session. Large muscle groups include: buttocks - thighs, chest, shoulders, lats - back. Small muscle groups include: forearms, back arms, forearms, and calves. Each large muscle group on the body has its own characteristics and when focusing on that muscle group, it will consume a lot of energy. Therefore, you should not practice 2 large muscle groups in the same session to avoid overexertion and fatigue, affecting the effectiveness of the training.
  • You should only practice a maximum of 3 muscle groups in the same session. Each session should only practice 1 large muscle group combined with 2 small muscle groups to support each other, helping the muscles develop faster and stronger.
  • You should arrange a schedule to practice muscle groups that complement each other. One characteristic of large and small muscle groups on the body is that they always support each other and do not work separately. Therefore, you should arrange muscle groups close together, with mutual impact in the same session. For example, the chest, shoulders, back arms or back, abdomen, and front arms. If you want to exercise to stimulate weight gain and muscle gain, you should exercise 2 muscle groups and gradually increase the weight when exercising.
  • Conversely, for those who practice fitness to lose fat, you must exercise from 3 to 4 muscle groups, increasing the exercises for each muscle group.

  • In addition, reduce the weight to increase the number of Reps.
  • During the exercise period, you should rest 1 to 2 days a week to give your muscles time to recover. When exercising at high intensity, certainly, injuries cannot be avoided. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of the next exercise, let your body rest for 24 to 48 hours.

Drinking coffee to lose weight, good or not?

Nowadays, many people drink a lot of coffee every day because they think that drinking coffee to lose weight is very effective. Is this method excellent and safe for the user's health? Let's join us to answer the above question through the following article.

Drinking coffee to lose weight, is it true?

The trend of drinking coffee to lose weight was introduced and became popular in the book "The Coffee Lover's Diet" by American author Bob Arnot. According to him, drinking coffee many times a day can increase metabolism, burn fat, prevent calorie absorption, and reduce appetite. Specifically as follows:

Reduce appetite

Some studies show that if you drink coffee right before eating, it will limit appetite and reduce calorie consumption. However, few people do this, most have the habit of drinking coffee about 3 - 4.5 hours before eating. At that time, the way to drink coffee to lose weight does not seem to affect the amount of food you take in.

Stimulate metabolism

Coffee actually can increase metabolism and promote the burning of calories and fat in the body.

Impact on fat cells

When drinking coffee to lose weight, caffeine will increase the concentration of epinephrine (adrenaline) in the blood and stimulate the nervous system to send signals that directly affect fat cells. This will promote the breakdown of fat and release energy into the blood. However, the process of releasing fatty acids into the blood will not help you lose weight if you do not burn more calories than you take in.

Harmful effects of using coffee to lose weight

Before applying the method of drinking coffee to lose weight, you need to carefully consider the possible harmful effects:

Coffee has too much caffeine

Drinking coffee to lose weight can increase metabolism largely thanks to the caffeine content. However, if the amount of caffeine in the body is too large, it can pose many health risks such as heart attack, headache, insomnia, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, or even depression.

The reason is that caffeine is also a diuretic, so it will make you go to the toilet more often. At that time, many important electrolytes such as potassium and calcium will be lost along with the amount of urine excreted. Too much potassium loss will lead to hypokalemia, affecting muscle control and heart function.

Coffee makes weight gain easy to return

The truth is that it is very difficult to lose weight if the diet requires a significant reduction in calorie intake such as drinking weight-loss coffee. At that time, the body will switch to survival mode, slowing down the metabolism, and thereby reducing the amount of calories consumed. Not only that, hormonal changes will reduce the amount of leptin hormone (which plays a role in promoting the feeling of fullness and sending signals to the brain to stop eating). You will crave food and if you cannot resist, the result is weight gain again as before.

Not safe for health

From the above analysis, it is easy to see that drinking weight-loss coffee is not a safe method. On the contrary, it also has many potential risks to the user's health.

Instead, you should apply a scientific, healthy diet, with lots of green vegetables, and fruits, drink lots of water, and combine with regular exercise. That is the safest and most effective weight loss method.

Everything you need to know for beginners in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Observation - the first lesson before deciding to study Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Before starting to practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, especially for the first time, it is best to learn the basics of this subject thoroughly. Each martial arts school has different characteristics, although the curriculum does not have many differences. Before registering to study BJJ, spend a lot of time carefully observing other students to better understand the subject and decide whether BJJ is suitable for you or not.

Observing the coach and other students practicing will help you clearly visualize the class, and prepare questions for the coach so as not to be surprised.

What to prepare on the first day?

On the first day of class, wear clothes that absorb sweat well such as shorts and t-shirts. You should buy a separate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu uniform, absolutely do not wear street clothes or shoes in the gym, which will easily scratch the floor. Drink enough water and have a light meal before practice to avoid losing energy. BJJ is a sport that requires high endurance, bring a water bottle if the gym does not have a drinking water system.

The curriculum in each place may be different, but here are the general notes you need to know:

  • Warm-up: The purpose of the warm-up exercise is to "warm up" the muscles before practicing, avoiding injury. It can be warmed up for a few minutes or longer. All martial arts classes start with group warm-up exercises such as jogging, push-ups, etc.
  • Technical exercises: After the warm-up exercise, you will be paired with a training partner and practice in an area on the floor. The coach may go through a lot of moves with quite new and complicated names and techniques, so don't hesitate to practice again and ask questions to avoid practicing the wrong techniques and getting injured.
  • After practice: At the end of the class, the coach will bow to the students traditionally, thank everyone for participating, and encourage the students' efforts. Besides, you can join Dynamic Stretching classes after practice if you want to completely relax your body.
After taking a shower, make sure your body is fully hydrated and well-fed. If you want to understand more about the course, don't hesitate to discuss with the coach about the next program and other martial arts classes, discuss prices, and set up a clear schedule with the instructor.

Important notes

After practice, take the time to shower first, drink water, wait 20 minutes, and then start a meal to replenish energy. BJJ classes include classes without Kimono for beginners (No-gi) and advanced classes with Kimono (Gi). Depending on your physical condition and experience in martial arts and participating in sports, consult the instructors or choose the most suitable class for yourself.

The spirit of BJJ is quite similar to Judo, using Softness to overcome Hardness, using flexibility to defeat violence.