Does cycling make your calves bigger?

Cycling is one of the exercises that can burn calories extremely strongly. However, whether cycling makes your calves bigger or not is a question that many people need an accurate answer. Let's find out the truth and the right way to cycle with us.

Does cycling make your calves bigger?

Cycling is considered by bodybuilders to be one of the most calorie-burning cardio exercises. Therefore, cycling regularly will quickly burn fat in the body, especially the buttocks, thighs, and calves. Whether cycling makes your calves bigger or not depends on many factors below:

Intensity of exercise

If you cycle at a high intensity, continuously at a level of about 16 to 21 hours a week, the muscle groups will definitely develop to the maximum, making your legs as big as professional athletes. If you only spend 25 to 30 minutes cycling every day, there will be no problem with your legs. It only helps burn calories and break down excess fat in your body.

Terrain and cycling method

Another part is that if you want to build muscle and shape your upper thighs and calves, you can choose difficult terrain such as mountain climbing. If you often choose to cycle on steep terrain, you will definitely burn more calories and muscles will be easier to form.


A weight loss diet and a muscle gain diet will be completely different. To have slim legs, you must cut down on your food intake, especially sugar, starch, fat, and protein. On the contrary, if you want to gain muscle, you must supplement more of the above groups of substances. Muscle mass develops better if combined with weight training.

According to the survey, good cyclists often have firm, large, and clear thighs, combined with heavy-weight training exercises to increase leg endurance. If you only choose cycling for the purpose of losing weight and slimming your legs, you should not combine it with weight training.

In short, whether cycling makes your legs bigger or not depends largely on the above factors. Everyone can adjust according to their own physical condition and needs.

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