Should you drink coffee when working out? Should you drink before or after working out?

Coffee has become a familiar drink for gym-goers. Many people think drinking coffee before each workout will help keep you alert and improve your workout performance. However, this issue is still controversial. Let's find out with us whether you should drink coffee when working out and how to drink it effectively through the following article.

Should you drink coffee when working out?

The amount of caffeine in coffee is relatively high, this is a concern for many gym-goers because they are afraid of affecting their workout performance. In fact, gym-goers or sports people who drink coffee before each workout help increase their workout performance. Scientists also confirm that using coffee properly also brings some of the following benefits.

Increase workout intensity

Caffeine in coffee helps inhibit the activity of adenosine. This is an active ingredient that signals rest, making the body feel lethargic. Therefore, if this substance is inhibited, it will help the body to be excited, prolonging the training time.

Helps to stay awake

Coffee has long been considered a drink that helps to stay awake and maintain concentration. The amount of caffeine in coffee helps stimulate the brain and central nervous system to work more quickly and accurately. Therefore, before each training session to maintain a state of alertness, gym goers can drink a cup of coffee.

Increase fat burning

Coffee has the ability to oxidize and burn fat effectively during exercise and can last for several hours. In addition, the amount of calories in coffee is also very low, so you do not need to worry about whether to drink it at the gym or not. Drinking coffee also has the effect of reducing cravings, helping you lose weight effectively.

Promote metabolism

Drinking coffee helps promote a strong metabolism. Thanks to that, the body burns energy faster. This is also the reason why many people use coffee in the process of losing weight.

Reduce muscle pain

When exercising at high intensity, many people often experience muscle pain due to the accumulation of lactic acid in the body. Caffeine will help stimulate the conversion of fat into energy, limit the accumulation of lactic acid, help muscles be more durable, and reduce muscle pain after exercise.

In addition, if used properly, coffee also helps to make the spirit happy and refreshed, protect the body from inflammation, enhance memory, etc.

Should you drink coffee before or after the gym?

Gym-goers can absolutely drink coffee, but many people wonder whether to use it before or after exercise. To bring about the above benefits, you need to drink coffee at the right time. According to experts, the best time for gym-goers to drink coffee is 30 minutes to 1 hour before exercising. At this time, the amount of caffeine will reach its peak, helping gym goers focus on maximum endurance, muscle strength, and alertness throughout the workout. In addition, the metabolism and fat-burning process also take place more strongly, supporting the maintenance of ideal weight for gym goers.

On the contrary, you should not drink coffee after each workout. Because the caffeine in coffee increases the stress hormone cortisol after exercise, affecting the cardiovascular system. In addition, the body is also losing a lot of water at this time, and coffee stimulates urination, so it is absolutely not good to drink at this time.

Notes when drinking coffee for gym goers

Although gym-goers can drink coffee before exercising, they should not drink too much. According to nutritionists, a person should only consume a maximum of 450g of coffee per day. The appropriate dose for gym goers is from 200g to 300g. If after drinking coffee, you experience symptoms such as nausea, dizziness, low blood pressure, digestive disorders, etc., gym goers should reduce or stop drinking to improve the above condition.

In addition, the coffee that gym goers should drink is the unsweetened type, especially black coffee, which will help reduce fat and increase muscle effectively. Although adding sugar or milk to coffee will help enhance the flavor, this is also an "enemy" for gym goers. Sugar can increase blood sugar, affecting the training process. In addition, sugar also disrupts the absorption of nutrients in the digestive system.


Gym-goers can drink coffee before each training session and should drink in moderation so as not to affect the training process. If you want to learn more about information about the gym goer's diet or exercises to gain muscle, lose fat, etc., talk to us.

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