What is Cutting? Menu and effective ways to gain muscle and lose fat

Cutting is a familiar concept to many gym-goers. This is a diet that is applied to reduce fat but still maintain muscle mass. Most fitness enthusiasts and professional bodybuilders apply the cutting method to get a slim, toned body. More specifically, what is cutting? This article from California Fitness helps you understand the cutting method in detail.

What is Cutting?

Implementing this regimen means that you will reduce the amount of calories you take in to reduce fat while still maintaining muscle mass, helping the muscle grooves become clearer. In addition, the cutting diet is also known as the small-cut diet to help reduce body fat and maintain muscle.

When to do cutting

After knowing what cutting is, many people still wonder when is the right time to do cutting. In fact, cutting can be done at any time you want to slim down before gaining a large amount of muscle mass. Especially for those who are overweight or obese, cutting is a reasonable choice, which should be done immediately to improve your figure and enhance your health. Even if you have a normal figure but want to have sharp muscles, you can still do cutting.

In addition, when to cut also depends on Body fat, that is, the amount of fat in the body. Specifically, you need to cut when the body fat ratio is greater than 15% for men and the body fat ratio is greater than 25% for women.

Benefits of cutting

What are the benefits you get when cutting? If cutting is done correctly, this method brings you many benefits, including mental, physical, and health.

Cutting helps improve mood

Being overweight is something that no one wants. At this time, cutting will help reduce excess fat, lose weight, improve body shape, and firm muscle bundles. When you achieve the desired cutting results, your body shape becomes balanced, and you feel more satisfied, happy, and joyful.

An effective method to increase muscle and reduce fat

The principle when implementing the cutting method is to reduce the amount of calories in the diet and maintain the necessary amount of protein combined with scientific exercise. When the amount of calories consumed is greater than the amount of calories taken in, the amount of excess fat in the body will tend to decrease. Meanwhile, the amount of protein added will help increase muscle and maintain muscle better.

Some notes when performing cutting

Cut down on sugar

One of the effective ways to cut is to choose foods with a low GI index, this index is related to the amount of sugar in food. If you exercise little and eat foods with a high GI index, they will be stored in the body as excess fat. Therefore, once you know what a cutting diet is, you need to eliminate sugary foods such as white rice, pasta, and white bread from your diet. Instead, you should eat foods with low GI such as brown rice, whole grains, berries, apples, etc.

Limit fat

Although fat is also needed in a cutting diet, you should also limit it, especially bad fats. Compared to energy from carbs, energy from fat is less effective and this is also the cause of fat formation in the body.

Make sure to supplement enough protein

According to ISSN (International Society of Sports Nutrition), a person should consume protein evenly about 3-4 hours a day and within 2 hours after exercise. Providing adequate and proper protein will help burn fat effectively while helping to maintain muscle.

Cardio exercise

A low-calorie diet will help reduce fat effectively. In addition, you should combine cardio exercises such as jogging and cycling on the treadmill, HIIT exercises, etc. to speed up the rate of burning calories. If you maintain a cutting diet and exercise regularly, you will lose fat quickly. Moreover, when you add high-intensity cardio exercises, you can also enjoy more carb-rich meals.

Only drink water, coffee, or green tea

When following a cutting regimen, the right drinks for you are filtered water, green tea, or black coffee. These are drinks that do not contain calories, especially filtered water will provide the body with the necessary amount of water. Other drinks that contain gas or sugar will reduce the effectiveness of fat loss as well as maintain muscle.

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