The fastest and most effective way to reduce belly fat at home helps women to have a slim waist, and firm abdominal muscles without excess fat, not everyone knows. Please refer to the fastest ways to reduce belly fat at home, which we have provided below, to have a slim figure that confidently attracts all eyes.
4 fastest ways to reduce belly fat at home
1. Drinks to reduce belly fat
Drinking detox drinks is the fastest and most effective way to reduce belly fat at home which has been proven. Many studies have proven this and you can refer to some of the following drinks:
- Apple cider vinegar: The ingredients of vinegar are extracted and fermented completely naturally and are not harmful to health. You can use 100ml of warm water, dissolved with 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to best reduce belly fat, should be drunk every morning when waking up and before dinner for effectiveness.
- Green tea: Not only is it a healthy beverage, green tea also contains caffeine that helps increase metabolism and supports effective weight loss. Moreover, drinking green tea is also very good for the skin.
- Ginger and honey water: This is one of the fastest ways to reduce belly fat at home with a drink that you should apply immediately. With its warm, hot properties, many nutrients of ginger will help the body's metabolism, preventing the accumulation of excess fat in the body. You just need to mix 200ml of warm water with honey and add a few pieces of crushed ginger to effectively lose weight.
2. Diet to reduce belly fat
With weight loss at home, paying attention to your diet is what you need to do if you want to achieve the best results. A healthy diet not only helps you have a toned body but also helps improve your health, eliminating excess weight.
In the process of implementing the fastest ways to reduce belly fat at home, you should eat a lot of green vegetables and fruits to provide nutrients for the body. Not only do they beautify the skin, but they also help reduce excess fat in the abdomen effectively. You can pay attention to some fruits and green vegetables such as Broccoli, asparagus, spinach, oranges, grapefruit, strawberries, blueberries, green apples, bananas, etc.
In addition, adding eggs to each meal will help reduce your hunger, increase metabolism, and reduce belly fat quickly. Grains should also be used to help the process of losing weight and reducing belly fat faster. Because they contain a lot of healthy protein, increasing metabolism in the body. Some types of nuts that can be used are Beans, almonds, cashews, chia seeds, walnuts, etc.
Spices such as ginger, chili, or pepper also help burn, enhance nutrients, and eliminate excess fat effectively. You can add them to each meal to increase the deliciousness. However, those with stomach-related diseases should consider using these spices appropriately.
3. Effective belly fat reduction massage at home
Massage is also one of the fastest ways to reduce belly fat at home that you can do every day. You should massage with coarse salt to help the body eliminate toxins and excess water in the body. Moreover, this process also promotes the growth of new skin, softens dirt adds salt and minerals for smoother skin, and also effectively reduces belly fat.
You can do this massage as follows: Before bathing, take a little salt mixed with a little hot water to form a paste, apply it on the abdomen, and massage, massage the abdomen for about 10 minutes then rinse. After bathing, take a large handful of salt put it in the palm of your hand, and rub it gently on the abdomen until it feels hot. Be careful not to rub too hard, and if your skin is sensitive, you need to use very fine salt for massage.
4. Exercises to reduce belly fat
Not only a healthy diet, and abdominal massage but also exercise is one of the fastest ways to reduce belly fat at home. Because when exercising, the metabolism will take place faster, your body will have to consume a significant amount of calories, so it will speed up the weight loss process.
Currently, there are many exercises to reduce belly fat at home shared by experts. Depending on your preferences and abilities, you can choose the most effective exercises such as Jogging, sit-ups, jumping rope, pilates, zumba, etc.
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