Surprised by the "miraculous" effects of practicing Pilates

Pilates is a sport that many stars are applying to have a slim figure. However, this form of exercise is still quite new and not well understood by many people. Therefore, through this article, let's explore the miraculous effects of Pilates with us.

4 benefits of practicing Pilates

1. Treating back pain

Pilates is based on the principle of increasing the strength and flexibility of the back muscles, so this sport will help treat back pain. The twisting movements in Pilates help strengthen the muscles in the back, thereby helping to balance your figure. In addition, this sport will help your back muscles become much stronger, firmer, and more flexible.

2. Effective weight loss

In addition to being good for the back, Pilates is also a sport that helps lose weight and reduce fat effectively. Instead of affecting specific muscle groups, full-body pilates exercises affect all muscle groups in your body. From there, the body will promote metabolism and burn energy and excess fat better. In particular, when practicing Pilates, you will train your will to eliminate foods that are not good for your weight loss process.

3. Support height increase for children in the growing age

After a period of practice, you will surely discover that Pilates not only improves posture but also helps increase height. Pilates performs movements that affect height development by expanding the chest, increasing flexibility, and stretching the calf muscles.

4. Recovering from bone and joint injuries

Practicing Pilates will increase your ability to recover from bone and joint injuries. Pilates includes stretching and conditioning exercises, focusing on adjusting body posture and alignment of bone structures. Thanks to that, you will minimize, avoid, and eliminate unwanted injuries to your back when walking, working, or practicing other sports.

3 simple yoga postures combined with weight loss exercises

Yoga has long been considered a miraculous exercise with many effects, both helping to balance the mind and supporting effective weight loss. Therefore, recently people have chosen to lose weight by combining weight loss exercises with Yoga to increase effectiveness. Understanding that we introduce to you 3 simple yoga postures combined with weight loss exercises that anyone can do through the following article. Let's explore together!

3 simple yoga postures combined with weight loss exercises

Boat Pose

Boat Pose, also known as Boat Pose, is one of the very effective yoga postures combined with weight loss exercises. This posture requires the practitioner to maintain balance for a certain period. In addition, it also affects the lower back, helping the waist become slimmer.

  • Step 1: Start by sitting with your back straight, knees bent, and hands resting on the mat.
  • Step 2: Slowly raise your legs, keeping them close together and leaning back, balancing on your hips and thighs.
  • Step 3: Inhale, lift your legs so that your feet are higher than your eyes, and raise your arms up to shoulder level, parallel to the floor, palms facing each other, so that your body forms a V shape. Hold this position for 10-20 seconds slowly bend your legs and return to the starting sitting position.

Bending over

The bending over exercise is extremely easy to do at home but the results are completely surprising. This Yoga pose helps you regulate your breathing, control your abdominal muscles, and give you a toned and slim body.

  • Step 1: First, sit on the floor, legs stretched out in front of you. Place your hands on the floor on either side of your buttocks. Take a deep breath.
  • Step 2: Straighten your back, and bend down. Press your body against your legs to form a camel hump.
  • Step 3: Exhale, bend your elbows, use them to control and stretch your whole body forward, and put your forehead on your knees. Try to maintain this position for 1 to 5 minutes, and balance your breathing.

Cobra pose

This is a weight loss exercise that many people choose to practice, the cobra pose helps you stretch your back and hip muscles while consuming energy to burn excess fat extremely effectively. Besides, this pose is also very easy to do at home:

  • Step 1: Lie face down on the mat on your stomach, keep your legs straight, and your feet touching each other.
  • Step 2: Place your palms next to your chest, your right arm close to your body and your elbows facing out.
  • Step 3: Then gently lift your forehead, neck, and shoulders.
  • Step 4: Use the strength of your arms to lift your upper body. Look straight ahead and breathe evenly. Hold this position for about 20-30 seconds then return to the starting position. Repeat 3-5 times/set.

Check out 4 benefits of practicing martial arts

Many people come to martial arts not only because of their passion and love but also because practicing martial arts brings them extremely wonderful benefits. So what are those interesting benefits and do you know them yet? If you still don't have an answer to this question, come to the following shares to discover the special benefits of practicing martial arts for each person!

4 benefits of martial arts practitioners

Practicing martial arts is considered a method of training the body in the safest and most wonderful way. However, do the benefits of practicing martial arts stop there? The following shares will help you get a more detailed, specific, and complete answer about the benefits of practicing martial arts:

Improve health

Martial arts exercises bring very good effects in improving health thanks to the exercises that have a good impact on the cardiovascular system and blood circulation. Not only that, deep, strong, and even breathing also helps the respiratory system, especially the lungs, develop healthily and at the same time eliminate toxins from the internal organs.

Effective weight loss

When it comes to the benefits of martial arts, everyone's common mentality is that martial arts only helps improve health. However, this has caused people to ignore a great benefit of martial arts practice, which is effective weight loss.

Because martial arts practice requires practitioners to exercise at a high and continuous level. Thanks to that, the amount of calories burned in an hour of practice can be up to 300 - 500 calories. Practice diligently and regularly for about 2 months, you will notice a clear change in your weight.

Improve your ability to concentrate

After a stressful day of work and study, participating in martial arts classes will help you release this accumulated negative energy. Thanks to that, your spirit will be improved and you will become more comfortable. In addition, the requirement to concentrate when practicing martial arts to coordinate harmoniously and react quickly also helps the mind to be clearer and increases the concentration of the practitioner.

Ability to defend yourself

The ability to defend yourself is considered one of the most practical and wonderful benefits of practicing martial arts. During the learning process, the practitioner will learn and practice how to dodge and counterattack effectively when attacked without causing harm to themselves. Thanks to that, when encountering any situation that requires self-defense, you will also have the fastest and most effective way to respond.

Introducing 3 great benefits of regular aerobic exercise to lose weight

Regular aerobic exercise to lose weight will definitely surprise you with its outstanding effectiveness. This is also the reason why many women love to choose this sport to combine with their weight loss menu to help regain the slimmest figure. To better understand the benefits of aerobic exercise to lose weight, let's come to our following shares!

3 great benefits from regular aerobic exercise to lose weight

Regular and scientific aerobic exercise to lose weight will bring you great benefits

Effectively reduce body fat

Like many other types of exercise, aerobic exercise to lose weight will help you release energy as well as burn excess calories in the body. The movements in aerobic exercises will strongly impact the excess fat areas in the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, etc.

Not only that, the harmonious and smooth combination of all body parts when practicing aerobic exercises to lose weight also helps your body become firmer. After a period of perseverance and effort in practicing aerobic exercises, the results you receive are not only improved health but also the desired weight.

More confident

With a slim figure and a toned body thanks to the effect of burning excess fat from aerobic exercises to lose weight, you will regain confidence with the person opposite. Any weight problem will no longer be a scary obsession because now, you have completely achieved the desired weight thanks to aerobic exercises to lose weight.

Not only that, practicing aerobic exercises to lose weight also helps you gain confidence in your thoughts and spirit. Your agility and efficiency in solving all your problems will be significantly improved.

Relieve stress, and always be happy and sociable

The great benefit that everyone recognizes when practicing aerobics to lose weight is that it helps relieve stress, and keep the spirit always happy, optimistic, and sociable. When participating in aerobics classes, you will have the opportunity to get to know and make friends with many new friends.

You will find more joy in life and help your mind always feel comfortable, relaxed, and optimistic. In addition, participating in aerobics to lose weight also helps you reduce symptoms of depression as well as feelings of anxiety and stress.

4 things to keep in mind when meditating to cure diseases

Meditation to cure diseases is a practice method that many people are interested in. Because meditation brings you many health benefits both physically and mentally. However, you need to do it correctly to achieve maximum effectiveness. We will reveal to you 4 things to keep in mind when meditating to cure diseases. Let's take a look.

Discover the definition of meditation to cure diseases

You just need to sit in one place and breathe to regain calmness and peace of mind. From there, the body will prevent some diseases such as myocardial infarction, high blood pressure, arthritis, colitis, etc. early.

At first hearing, it may feel very absurd and unbelievable. But in fact, meditation to cure diseases also brings many other great health benefits if you know how to meditate properly.

If you are a beginner, try sitting in Burmese meditation (with legs bent and crossed) or sitting in a half lotus position (putting your left foot on your right thigh or vice versa). You can sit on a chair, on a cushion, on the floor or anywhere you feel most comfortable and relaxed to be able to focus on meditating to heal.

4 things to note when meditating to heal

  • You should meditate in the morning when you first wake up. Or you can meditate to heal in the evening before going to bed. Because this is the time when the body is most relaxed and comfortable, suitable for meditation.
  • You should absolutely not meditate right after exercising or after eating. Because after this time, the body needs to rest to digest food or regain health. Therefore, when meditating at this time, you will feel tired, uncomfortable, and lose focus, making it difficult for your mind to regain relaxation and calmness.
  • You should wear comfortable, airy meditation clothes. Avoid wearing clothes that are too tight. Because the meditation time is long and you cannot move or move, tight clothes will affect blood circulation, making it difficult to meditate for a long time. After meditating, you should not stand up immediately but should relax your body. To relieve numbness and fatigue in the body and promote blood circulation, avoid dizziness and numbness in the limbs after meditation.

These reasons will make you more determined to do dumbbell exercises!

Laziness is always the biggest obstacle when you start exercising. However, if you know the benefits of dumbbell exercises, we are sure that you will be more passionate about bodybuilding. Check out the 4 "golden" reasons that will help you not give up dumbbell exercises in the following article!

Reasons why you should not give up dumbbell exercises

Activate many muscle fibers in the body

Weightlifting not only helps you impact your arm muscles, back, lats, etc. In fact, dumbbell exercises also stretch your chest muscles. In particular, barbell exercises and cheststretches with dumbbells will help men expand their shoulders, increasing the stimulation of the chest muscles. The practitioner must use more arm strength to keep the dumbbells balanced, so the exercise process will activate more muscle fibers.

Identify the imbalance of strength

With dumbbell exercises, when you practice with both arms alone, you will find which muscle group is weaker. This will help you practice other exercises conveniently and limit common injuries when practicing weights.

Many training techniques help increase muscle

With dumbbells, you can easily apply advanced training techniques such as rest-pause, 4-6 beats... to increase muscle evenly and more beautifully. Those who have been practicing for a long time, they will choose to practice dumbbell exercises instead of high-intensity exercises with barbells.

Limit injuries compared to heavy-weight training

Like other exercises, weight training will help you train your muscles (arms, chest, shoulders) to become stronger. When practicing dumbbells, the arm and shoulder muscles move more freely, so it will minimize injuries when practicing. Weight training has many benefits that you should not ignore. Ideally, you can do barbell exercises first to increase muscle size and then switch to dumbbells to increase muscle definition. However, weight training at home without guidance can easily lead to incorrect exercises, and incorrect postures and can easily cause injuries ranging from mild to serious. Therefore, if you love this sport, you should go to reputable fitness centers.