Gym Motivations for Bodybuilders

5 Gym Motivations for Bodybuilders

1. Look in the Mirror
2. Maintain Iron Levels
3. Eat and Sleep Well
4. Choose a Workout Time That's Right for Your Body
5. Find a Workout Partner

You want to challenge yourself and change yourself by going to the gym every day. However, you don't always have enough "fire" to go to the gym regularly. Here are some tips to help you strengthen your spirit and increase your motivation to go to the gym. Once you find the motivation to change your body shape, even if you don't have to go to the gym, you can play any other sport and still achieve the desired results.

Look in the Mirror

When you go to the gym, you feel a bit self-conscious because there are many people around you who have perfect bodies. However, you should remember that this is also your motivation to go to the gym. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a perfect appearance, it all depends on perseverance in practicing. And you will see, in fact, everyone at the gym will focus on the exercises and look in the mirror to check their movements, not paying much attention to the newcomers. So rest assured and keep in a comfortable mood to practice well.

Maintain iron levels in the body

Experts at the University of Melbourne have shown that people who have supplemented iron levels in the body are able to exercise more effectively than before. From there, it is easy to see that iron deficiency or anemia will make you less motivated to go to the gym. You can choose some foods to supplement iron in your body such as red meat, amaranth, beans, liver, etc.

Eat enough and get enough sleep

Sleep is one of the most effective ways for the body to recover. When sleeping, the body will secrete growth hormones, IGF-1 and testosterone. All of these hormones help the body recover and build muscle. At the same time, good sleep helps you have energy for the next day's workout. Besides, exercising on an empty stomach will make you feel much more difficult and tired. If you exercise in the morning, don't forget to eat a few cookies or drink some fruit juice to keep your blood sugar level, avoiding fainting during exercise. Arrange a reasonable schedule to have more motivation to go to the gym.

Choose a workout time that suits your body

The best time to effectively exercise for each person is different and depends on that individual's schedule. So, don't be too rigid when forcing yourself to exercise at a time when your body doesn't want to, this will make your spirit feel less excited for the workout.

Find a partner

Finding a partner to exercise with is an effective way to maintain a workout schedule and have more motivation to go to the gym. Planning a workout together will make it more difficult to cancel it, and at the same time make you more responsible. Work out together, and encourage each other when you finish a workout, or when you reach a certain goal. Or set up after-workout appointments, such as a smoothie, or go to the movies together after your workout. These things add fun and inspiration to your workout.

Fitness Motivation - Weekend

Workout with a Personal Trainer

A good trainer will always know how to help you choose the right full-body exercises, and will also motivate, inspire, and lift your spirits while working out. With the help of a professional trainer, you can be more motivated to work out and achieve better results much faster.

New clothes always make you more excited

Gym clothes play a big role in effective training, specifically:

Choosing the right outfit helps you increase your confidence. A beautiful sports outfit will motivate you to go to the gym and see yourself in the mirror. 
Feel comfortable: a set of clothes that fits your body will help you move comfortably, without feeling uncomfortable or stuffy when performing movements, improving training efficiency.

Good for your health: Clothes designed with sweat-absorbent fabric will help your body stay cleaner and smell better when exercising.

Try a new class

A new sport or exercise will not only help shake up your workout regimen but also teach you new skills and help you make more friends. If you usually only run, try changing your workout with a body pump to train your endurance. If you usually do yoga, try a Zumba class every now and then to have fun. Experimenting helps bring new emotions and energy, making you motivated to go to the gym and enjoy exercising more.

Set goals

Setting new goals and persistently practicing is a way to create motivation to start and push you to go further. You should make a list and make long-term plans, initially focusing on improving your health and flexibility first, then think about "heavier" exercises. Try signing up for a marathon, increasing the time, distance, or number of steps you walk each week, increasing the number of sessions... There is no need to set goals that are too high or too far away, start with small challenges that bring joy to yourself. Once you achieve your goals, you will have the motivation to go to the gym.

Practice discipline

Discipline is essential in every job. When everything is in order, it is also the time when you gain freedom. We gain the freedom to accomplish more, to improve, and to eliminate regrets from our lives. Discipline in the gym is just as important, it will be the key to maintaining your motivation to go to the gym as well as your training effectiveness.

In fact, the first week is a difficult time, most people who give up will give up right in the first week. But those who overcome this challenging time, the love and passion for the gym, with their body gradually becoming more beautiful will be the motivation for you to overcome.

What is Cutting? Menu and effective ways to gain muscle and lose fat

Cutting is a familiar concept to many gym-goers. This is a diet that is applied to reduce fat but still maintain muscle mass. Most fitness enthusiasts and professional bodybuilders apply the cutting method to get a slim, toned body. More specifically, what is cutting? This article from California Fitness helps you understand the cutting method in detail.

What is Cutting?

Implementing this regimen means that you will reduce the amount of calories you take in to reduce fat while still maintaining muscle mass, helping the muscle grooves become clearer. In addition, the cutting diet is also known as the small-cut diet to help reduce body fat and maintain muscle.

When to do cutting

After knowing what cutting is, many people still wonder when is the right time to do cutting. In fact, cutting can be done at any time you want to slim down before gaining a large amount of muscle mass. Especially for those who are overweight or obese, cutting is a reasonable choice, which should be done immediately to improve your figure and enhance your health. Even if you have a normal figure but want to have sharp muscles, you can still do cutting.

In addition, when to cut also depends on Body fat, that is, the amount of fat in the body. Specifically, you need to cut when the body fat ratio is greater than 15% for men and the body fat ratio is greater than 25% for women.

Benefits of cutting

What are the benefits you get when cutting? If cutting is done correctly, this method brings you many benefits, including mental, physical, and health.

Cutting helps improve mood

Being overweight is something that no one wants. At this time, cutting will help reduce excess fat, lose weight, improve body shape, and firm muscle bundles. When you achieve the desired cutting results, your body shape becomes balanced, and you feel more satisfied, happy, and joyful.

An effective method to increase muscle and reduce fat

The principle when implementing the cutting method is to reduce the amount of calories in the diet and maintain the necessary amount of protein combined with scientific exercise. When the amount of calories consumed is greater than the amount of calories taken in, the amount of excess fat in the body will tend to decrease. Meanwhile, the amount of protein added will help increase muscle and maintain muscle better.

Some notes when performing cutting

Cut down on sugar

One of the effective ways to cut is to choose foods with a low GI index, this index is related to the amount of sugar in food. If you exercise little and eat foods with a high GI index, they will be stored in the body as excess fat. Therefore, once you know what a cutting diet is, you need to eliminate sugary foods such as white rice, pasta, and white bread from your diet. Instead, you should eat foods with low GI such as brown rice, whole grains, berries, apples, etc.

Limit fat

Although fat is also needed in a cutting diet, you should also limit it, especially bad fats. Compared to energy from carbs, energy from fat is less effective and this is also the cause of fat formation in the body.

Make sure to supplement enough protein

According to ISSN (International Society of Sports Nutrition), a person should consume protein evenly about 3-4 hours a day and within 2 hours after exercise. Providing adequate and proper protein will help burn fat effectively while helping to maintain muscle.

Cardio exercise

A low-calorie diet will help reduce fat effectively. In addition, you should combine cardio exercises such as jogging and cycling on the treadmill, HIIT exercises, etc. to speed up the rate of burning calories. If you maintain a cutting diet and exercise regularly, you will lose fat quickly. Moreover, when you add high-intensity cardio exercises, you can also enjoy more carb-rich meals.

Only drink water, coffee, or green tea

When following a cutting regimen, the right drinks for you are filtered water, green tea, or black coffee. These are drinks that do not contain calories, especially filtered water will provide the body with the necessary amount of water. Other drinks that contain gas or sugar will reduce the effectiveness of fat loss as well as maintain muscle.

Save the instructions on how to squat properly for an attractive body

In modern life, body shape is always something that everyone is interested in, both men and women. To quickly own an attractive butt, many people turn to squat exercises. However, not everyone knows how to practice squatting properly and how to avoid injury. Incorrect practice not only wastes time but also directly affects your body. Let's refer to the instructions on how to practice squatting properly in the following article.

To practice squatting properly, there are a few notes you should do correctly to avoid injury and bring about effective training as follows:

  • Preparation

Before practicing, you must place the weight on your back so that the center of gravity is between the two feet. Remember to take a deep breath, squeeze your butt and then lift the weight from the rack. Another note is that the two legs are parallel, spread out a moderate distance as if you are about to jump. Note that the toes should not be opened more than 45 degrees; they should only be opened to a moderate angle slightly to both sides.

  • Breathing

In the correct squat exercise, breathing is a very important factor. If you do not breathe correctly, pushing the weight will be more difficult, and you will easily injure your back. Before starting to remove the weight from the rack, remember to take a deep breath, as deep as possible, and tighten your abdominal muscles.

  • Knees

One of the common mistakes many people often make when squatting is pushing their knees too far forward. This is very dangerous because it will cause your muscles to be too tight, and the body to lean forward too much, leading to a curved back, and injury is inevitable. In addition, if you push your knees forward too much, you will not be able to exert the necessary strength for the correct squat exercise.

  • Barbell

When squatting correctly, you also need to pay attention to the barbell placed on your shoulders and its path so that it is correct. When you lift the bar up or down, it should be as close to a straight line as possible from the soles of your feet. This will help keep your center of gravity steady, avoid injury, and maximize the effectiveness of squat exercises.

Why do you need a specific gym schedule to have a strong, healthy body?

Setting up a scientific, reasonable, and complete gym schedule is something that anyone needs to do before starting to practice seriously. Because it greatly enhances the effectiveness of the training journey to transform your body. In this article, we will specifically answer the reasons why you need a gym schedule to quickly own a strong, healthy body.

3 reasons why you should have a specific gym schedule

1. Do not practice two large muscle groups in the same session

Fitness experts divide the body into large muscle groups (buttocks - thighs, lats - back, chest) and small muscle groups (shoulders, arms, forearms, calves). When practicing, large muscle groups will consume a lot of energy and strength, making gym-goers quickly exhausted. Therefore, building a detailed gym schedule will help you avoid practicing both large muscle groups in the same session. Both ensure effectiveness and avoid possible injuries.

2. You should only train a maximum of 3 muscle groups in 1 session

To achieve the best training results, you should build a gym schedule to combine muscle groups that complement each other in the same session (chest - triceps, back - lats - biceps, ...). When combining exercises properly, you will stimulate more muscle fibers, helping the muscles develop better. However, you should only train a maximum of 3 muscle groups in the same session.

3. During the training period, you should rest for 1 - 2 days/week

Not every day you go to the gym to train, but you may soon have a 6-pack body. The disadvantages outweigh the benefits. After each tiring training session, the muscles need to rest to recover and develop. At the same time, injuries that can occur due to overtraining should be limited.

Of course, letting the muscle groups rest does not mean you neglect them. Schedule your gym workouts so that each muscle group gets 1-2 days of rest before working out again. Remember, don’t work out 3 days in a row, no matter how energetic you feel.

Top 4 principles when practicing martial arts that need to be "remembered"

Nowadays, practicing martial arts is not only a method of defense, improving health, and increasing reflexes and endurance of the body. It is also an effective method of losing weight and training the body that is loved by today's youth. However, this subject has principles that need to be "remembered" when practicing. Therefore, let's learn 4 principles when practicing martial arts with us in the following article.

4 principles for martial artists

1. Do not study alone

For martial arts, you should learn from teachers or professional coaches and practice with fellow students. You should not study online because it is easy to get into the wrong posture and cause injury. This is the first principle you need to keep in mind when you want to become a martial artist.

2. Always practice seriously every day

If you have decided to practice martial arts, you need to practice seriously every day to improve your skills, reflexes, and overall strength. Remind yourself of the reason you practice. It could be for the martial spirit or to be healthy and have a firmer, slimmer body. Determine this so that you have the motivation and practice seriously whenever you are bored or down.

3. Practice with injuries

When practicing martial arts, it is inevitable to encounter injuries. But if the injury is not too serious, do not use the injury as an excuse to rest or give up practicing. You need to determine a clear and precise training direction with specialized, gentle exercises to avoid damaging the injuries.

4. Learn how to move when punching

In the principles of practicing martial arts, one of the ways to have the strongest punch is to know how to combine movement when punching and kicking, avoiding standing still in one place. Combining movement not only helps improve reflexes. This also helps practitioners become more flexible, agile, and agile. At the same time, limit injuries that you can actively avoid.